6:30 AM TO 6:00 PM

Home of the Phoenix
All parents are asked to be dressed appropriately when entering school. Please park so others can park. DO NOT pack spoiled food or snacks in the child's bag, we will throw them away. The child must have an appropriate school bag and snack bag.
Nursery: 6:30am- 5:45 pm
Toddlers 1: 6:30am - 5:45 pm
Toddlers 2: 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Preschool: 6:30am - 4:30 pm
Pre-k / Kindergarten: 6:30am - 4pm
No Students will be accepted into class before opening hours. Aftercare starts after your selected pick-up time starting from Preschool in the amount of $2.00 per child per day. Aftercare can be paid upon drop-off or added to the school fee. The late pick-up fee is $40.00 kicking in at 6:00 pm No students are to be left at the school at 6 or thereafter. If left at the school at 6 pm or after more than 3 times, this will result in a report being sent to the M.O.E and Social Services as we are required to report them, along with a termination slip.
Mandatory Events
All students that are enrolled with JKA, must attend the following events.
Sports Day
Christmas Production
Debutante Tea Party & Float
Junior Junkanoo
All assigned field trips.
Breakfast and Lunch:
Breakfast and lunch are either included in the meal program or school fee payment or brought in from home in a proper food container/ thermos. The meal program is $350.00 monthly, which includes breakfast and lunch. There is no rollover with the meal program. Those days are gone if your child is absent while on the meal program. No cash will be accepted for Meal programs. All payments must be paid together no exceptions. If you are sending food it must be sent in a Thermus or a container. If the food needs to be warmed up there is a $1.00 fee charged for warm-up, which will be added to your school fee. Please avoid packing leftover food as it may spoil in the child's bag. If the food needs to be in the fridge please inform the office as well as make a note on your child's ProCare.
All students must be signed in and out daily by persons who are dropping off or collecting students. No students will give to anyone who is not on the application list for pickup. Please Remember to use the ProCare App to log your child in and out as well as to receive your child's bill or invoices.
Children are not allowed to wear jewelry, hair beads, or bring toys to school. These are considered hazards to the students. The school will not be accountable for any jewelry, ribbons, berets, and toys being lost, or broken.
No Baby Powder or Personal toys / Items are Allowed.
All school items that are asked of you to pack in your child's bag are mandatory. If the item is not sent with the child there will be a $1.00 fee charge added to your school fee slip.
Your Child Will Need (4 Sets of Snacks, (Fruits, & water must be packed in the Child’s bag)
Our School Policies

All parents and students are to part take in the orientation process. If you fail to part you forfeit your child's acceptance into the school. All fees are non-refundable (Can be credited by office choice).
Saturday care $25.00 is from 8:30 am - 3 pm Lunch is not included. There is a $5.00 (per hour) late pick fee. Booking for Saturday care is to be done in advance.
All parents are asked to part take in P.T.A. meetings.
All students are asked to come to school in complete uniform, as well as P. E, ballet, judo, & Gymnastics, and swimming. Students are expected to be clean and today in complete uniform.

The Ministry of Education policies that govern the regulation and licensing of Daycare and Preschools centers, Stipulate the following:
A. SICK CHILDREN: children are expected to be in good health upon acceptance into the school. Hence all children must have a medical form completed on file. Any child that has a fever, temperature, vomiting, thrush, diarrhea, cold, or any other communicable disease, Must be taken to the doctor and WILL NOT be accepted into class unless the office receives a Medical Certificate from a doctor indicating that the child is well enough to attend school.
B. MEDICATION: No Teacher is allowed to administer medication to any child. If your child has to take medication, please ensure that it has been given either before school or after school. WE DO NOT give students medication unless approved by the office.
C. STUDENTS RECORD: The government requires that we have the following documents on each student's file.
a. A medical form completed by a doctor
a. A birth certificate
b. An Immunization Recode
There must also be 3(three) alternative working contact numbers and emergency contact numbers and a list of persons who are allowed to drop off or collect the child.
Please advise the Center before 8:00 am if a child will not be attending daycare due to illness.
Parents agree that a child who is ill (e.g. fever, infection, diarrhea, runny nose communicable disease, or any other type of illness that may be passed on to others must be kept at home to protect the well-being of other children. The parents further agree should a child become ill while in care those immediate arrangements will be made to remove the child from the class. Children will not be allowed to return to school until they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours and, a note from a doctor is necessary. Please respect our illness policy. If a child is not well enough to go outside to play, they are not well enough to attend school.
Please advise the SCHOOL prior to 7:00 am if your child will be arriving later than the pre-arranged time. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that children are picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. If you are not able to pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. a $40.00 late fee will be charged upon pick up.
Please notify the school if an unauthorized person will be picking up your child. Verbal or written permission must be received before we will release a child to anyone who is not authorized on the registration form. An ID must be presented upon pick-up time. If a parent cannot be contacted, it is the policy of 3 Family Childcare to call an emergency contact should a child remain in care after 6:00 pm. A late fee of $40.00 is charged at 6:00 pm and $2.00 per minute per child will apply if a child remains in care after 6:00 pm. This late fee is due and payable upon pickup or will be added to the school fee. If left at the school at 6 pm or after more than 3 times, this will result in a report being sent to the MOE and Social Services as we are required to report them, along with a termination slip.
JKA is not responsible for refunding fees if your little one is out sick, absent, or on holiday break. If your child has been sick or absent and was out of school for one or two weeks and you seek a refund for the absent days, fees will then be calculated as $25.00 per day. If there is a balance remaining it will be added to your account pending a waiver at school choice.
Just Kids Academy Childcare reserves the right to suspend or terminate the care of any child without notice, should it be deemed necessary for the overall safety and well-being of other children in our care.
A two-week notice is required by either party to terminate (Removal of the child) this agreement. If the parent withdrawal form is not brought in two weeks before the withdrawal date, a $150.00 penalty fee is required to cover the seat.

The Ministry of Education policies that govern the regulation and licensing of Daycare and Preschools centers, Stipulate the following:
A. SICK CHILDREN: children are expected to be in good health upon acceptance into the school. Hence all children must have a medical form completed on file. Any child that has a fever, temperature, vomiting, thrush, diarrhea, cold, or any other communicable disease, Must be taken to the doctor and WILL NOT be accepted into class unless the office receives a Medical Certificate from a doctor indicating that the child is well enough to attend school.
B. MEDICATION: No Teacher is allowed to administer medication to any child. If your child has to take medication, please ensure that it has been given either before school or after school. WE DO NOT give students medication unless approved by the office.
C. STUDENTS RECORD: The government requires that we have the following documents on each student's file.
a. A medical form completed by a doctor
a. A birth certificate
b. An Immunization Recode
There must also be 3(three) alternative working contact numbers and emergency contact numbers and a list of persons who are allowed to drop off or collect the child.